Colchester New Site

Tenpin have opened a brand new laser tag site operating a 20 pack Q2 Pro system within their Colchester bowl, opening 20th May 2023.

Nice to see a laser tag operater back in Colchester after our old customer Quasar closed, which I belive opperated for around 30 years!

Check-out Tenpin's website for more info or to book!

Gloucester New Site

Tenpin have opened a brand new laser tag site operating a 20 pack Q2 Pro system within their Gloucester bowl opening 1st April 2023.

Gloucester did operate a Meno laser tag system some years ago on a temporary basis, so it's good to see a permanent Meno laser tag system being installed.

Check-out Tenpin's website for more info or to book!

Steven Jennings
Karlskorna Sweden New Site

Johan & Sebastian have updated there existing laser tag site with a brand new 24 pack Pro system!

Good luck guys, we will look forward to working with you.

Meno have been supply laser tag systems to customers in Sweden and Scandinavia for over 30 years.